21-25 October 2024 - UK Tech Mission to Hong Kong - "Your Gateway to Asia Pacific"

Are you a tech founder looking to enter the Asia Pacific Market?

Register today to join our Tech Founder delegation for a unique opportunity to explore Hong Kong tech eco-system as your platform to expand across Asia Pacific. Network with your Tech Founder peers, meet investors, prospects and partners, and tour Hong Kong’s exciting tech cluster hubs. Take part in our exciting and comprehensive programme, including investor pitch, and our UK Tech Founders Showcase events. Our events are part of StartmeupHK festival, which attracts over 20,000 businesses into this dynamic and vibrant city.

Register your interest today: https://techwestenglandadvocates.co.uk/tech-mission-hong-kong/



Sunday 20th October

Arrive and acclimatise into Hong Kong.


Monday 21st October – Market Insight, VIP Lunch Reception & Reverse Investor Pitch Event

Official welcome and market insight briefing with Hong Kong Trade and Development Council.

VIP reception at the British Consulate-General office in Hong Kong, hosted by the UK Department for Business & Trade and supported by The Hong Kong British Chambers of Commerce invited partners, local Tech Founders and VIP guests.

Join our Reverse Investor Pitch Event in Hong Kong delivered in partnership with our key partner Pitchflix.tv and Eaton Club to meet invited Investors and VCs followed by a networking drinks reception.


Tuesday 22nd October – Hong Kong Science & Technology Park

Tour Hong Kong Science & Technology Park, with R&D facilities and home to some 1,200 Techs. Meet the HKSTP team, network with tenants and invited partners and guests at our sponsored lunch.


Wednesday 23rd October – Cyberport Tour and UK Tech Founders Showcase Event

Tour of Hong Kong’s Cyberport Tech facility, home to a further 1,900 Techs. Meet the Cyberport team, network with tenants and invited partners and guests.

Pitch at our own UK Tech Founders Showcase StartmeupHK Festival Fringe Event hosted by Eaton Club in partnership with The Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce partners, investors, partners, invited guests and Eaton Club business members, followed by a networking drinks reception.


Thursday 24th October – StartmeupHK Festival Events and Business Matching

Join StartMeetUp networking and *business matching with entrepreneurs and investors as part of the StartmeupHK festival, including an exclusive invitation to join entrepreneurs reception.


Friday 25th October – StartmeupHK Festival Events, Business Matching & End of Mission Event

Continue to participate in StartMeetUp and arrange your final meetings with connections you have made during your week, to nurture deals, build on partnerships and to follow up on investment opportunities before joining our end of Mission celebrations before your return to the UK.



To join all our activities for a unique mission to boost your market entry, there is a one-off mission entry fee of £1K+VAT per delegate payable by 1st October 2024, for project management, mission set up and co-ordination to Hewlett Rand, mission organiser.

We highly recommend reserving your seat early. If you would like to join a full mission briefing, please email equiry@hewlettrand.com .

Important note: Whilst our core programme is fixed, we may amend our schedule, add events and activities as new opportunities emerge that will benefit our Tech Founder delegation.

*Business matching is subject to qualified criteria being met.

Don’t miss this unique Tech Mission to Hong Kong, to register for our mission or to join a mission briefing, email enquiry@hewlettrand.com


Hong Kong Invitation_UK Tech Mission 2024.pdf