Code of Conduct

The British Chamber of Commerce is a safe and professional place for everyone. We don’t tolerate discrimination, disrespectful or threatening behaviour towards anyone, including Members, non-members, Chamber staff or visitors.

As a professional business organisation, we expect our members to follow this Code of Conduct and uphold the values, professionalism and integrity of the Chamber. If you feel that any Member has acted in a way that’s against this Code, please talk to the Executive Director.

Things we expect from all Members:

  • Use the Chamber’s benefits and services regularly. Make sure to pay your membership and any fees on time.
  • Be professional and respectful at Chamber events and activities. Treat everyone you meet with dignity and kindness, including Chamber invitees, guests, other Members, their guests and Chamber staff.
  • Only speak or comment on behalf of the Chamber if you have the agreement from the Executive Director or the Board first.
  • Don’t do anything that might damage the Chamber’s reputation. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome and respected when they visit the Chamber.

Rules for Chamber events and activities:

  • Be respectful and follow reasonable requests or directions from Chamber staff, office bearers or third parties. This includes any requests made at Chamber events.
  • Keep confidential information confidential. This includes any information that Members, Chamber invitees or other guests share with the Chamber about Chamber events or activities.
  • Respect the rights of Chamber staff, office bearers, Members and non-member participants to work, attend, or participate in Chamber events, meetings or activities in a safe and respectful environment. This means no harassment, abuse, or discrimination. Please don’t use threatening behaviour towards or harass any Chamber staff member or any Member, invitee, guest or other non-member participant.
  • Communicate with Chamber employees, office bearers and Members in a professional and respectful manner. Avoid making any personal comments about them.
  • Follow the Chamber’s Articles of Association or other policies that the Chamber may issue from time to time. These policies are in place to ensure a fair and transparent environment for everyone involved.

This Code of Conduct may be amended as necessary to reflect changes in laws, business practices or the needs of the Chamber.